Sunday, February 25, 2007

What a night!

Made it back online just in time for Diana Allendale's book reading. Diana writes erotic romance in real life under the pen name Diana Hunter. It was great to hear her voice live and she answered a lot of questions from her fans in attendance. I wish I had thought to take a picture. At the end of the session she said that she would give a free e-book to the third person that IM'd her.... lol... I got it! WOW! I'm so excited! I've already read one of her books and look forward to getting the rest of them. Now I need to get Bent to read them... hehe

After the reading, Bent came online and wanted to see something different so I took him to the Pyramid in Cairo. It's a beautiful sim and we walked around a bit and explored. While we were there we ran into Circe who owns the sim. She was so nice to us, and took us up to see her latest project, a duplicate of the original jazz club in SL that she's building. She hopes to be open within the next couple of weeks.

After Bent headed to bed I joined a friend at his home for a visit and tour. He's a really sweet guy and is partnered with a beautiful girl. Hope to get to know both of them better in the future.

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