Sunday, March 16, 2008

SL=RL at least the effects do

This has probably been one of the more depressing few days that I've ever spent in SL. I consider myself a happy go lucky person. I trust people and I make friends easily. I try to live by the golden rule- treat others as I would like to be treated.

I do have a tendency to give my opinion when asked or if I see something that I consider wrong and I won't bend to the will of others just because they have more power or even power over me. That sometimes surprises people, I guess because I don't try to come on strong like a bully, but instead try gentle persuasion and diplomatic conversation but when I think something is wrong or hurtful I stand my ground, period. Somethings are just wrong and I'm not a "yes" girl.

Giving my opinion has resulted in sad reactions this week. My intentions have always been honorable. I don't seek power I just seek peace. I believe in compromise. This week I've run into a polarized wall. Assumptions have been made about me and things have been done to me and I'm really sad. Not for me, because I'll be ok, just sad for others that can't see thru their own hurts, prejudices and grudges.

I refuse to give people power over me, I will not be blackmailed or extorted. Fortunately I'm married to a cop in RL and those that attempt to extort or blackmail me, or others will come face to face with RL because the fine line between RL and SL is being breached and we're moving into the realm of law and criminal intent. Federal law at that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh I just saw this.. well said Jo!