Sunday, March 9, 2008

Joja & Heath

Joja & Heath, originally uploaded by Jojamela Soon.

Sometimes something really beautiful happens to you. It happened to me on Thursday night. Heath Elvehjem was performing his regular weekly set at Sailors Cove when he proposed something new.

He rezzed another piano bench and asked for a volunteer from the crowd. I'm not quite sure how I got up there, cause I didn't volunteer, but he and the crowd called for me so I said, what the heck and jumped onto the bench.

Then he asked me to type some musical notes into chat. I did, and he took those notes and improved a brand new piece from them..... OMG, what beautiful music. This young man is so talented. He took a few random notes that I typed out and created a work of art.

It was probably one of the most moving things that has ever happened to me.

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