Sunday, September 7, 2008


Having survived Hurricane Katrina in South Louisiana and it's aftermath (which was probably the worst year in my life) I found solace and comfort in the wonderful friends that I've made over the years in Second Life. Some of those friends I opened my heart to and shared many personal stories and experiences with.

The the possibility of another nightmare was revisited last week with the arrival of Gustav on the South Louisiana coast. I was one of the fortunate ones this time, but so many people again have lost their homes to the destructive power of a hurricane.

On it's tail now comes Hanna who is battering the East Coast and soon to be followed by Ike who will likely enter the gulf again. Having lived thru a hurricane I can truly say that I would never ever wish that kind of horror on another individual, no matter what my relationship is with them.

Having said that, the last paragraph that I found on this blog post just stuns me. Not only because I know it's directed at me personally, but just the overall nastiness of it.

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